Vincent’s Even Triangular Number Theorem

2 min readMay 23, 2023


May 4, 2023

A triangular number makes a triangle. You get them by adding the numbers in order.

1 = 1

1 + 2 = 3

1 + 2 + 3 = 6

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10

Triangular numbers making triangles. The pattern is ODD ODD EVEN EVEN.

How can you find out if a triangular number is even if they only gave you the number? I’ll tell you.

If you want to, find out the pattern ODD ODD EVEN EVEN. So now you want to know which ones are even? Well, if you can divide the number by 4 that it means it’s an even triangular number. Or if the number is below a number than can be divided by 4 then it is also even.

For example, the first triangular number is odd because you can’t divide 1 by four. The second number is odd because you can’t divide 2 by four. But the third triangular number is even because 3 is below a number than can be divided by four. And the fourth triangular number is even because 4 can be divided by four.

Number   Triangular Number 

1 1 Odd

2 3 Odd

3 6 Even

4 10 Even

5 15 Odd

6 21 Odd

7 28 Even

8 36 Even

9 45 Odd

10 55 Odd

11 66 Even

12 78 Even

13 91 Odd

14 105 Odd

15 120 Even

16 136 Even



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